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Comparing BTEC to other qualifications
It's not always easy to compare grades for BTEC qualifications with grades for GCSEs and A levels. You can, however, compare BTECs with GCSEs and A levels in terms of their level, size and content. You can also compare our BTEC Level 3 Nationals in terms of the number of UCAS points they receive.
Comparing our qualifications
BTEC qualifications are written to a framework and assigned a level based on the relative difficulty of the course. Qualifications at the same level and on the same framework are similar in their demand, but their size and content may be significantly different.
Our BTEC Firsts and new BTEC Tech Awards are designed to be of a similar level of demand to GCSEs, whereas our BTEC Nationals are designed to be of a similar level of demand to A levels.
Comparing the size of a BTEC to other qualifications
For qualifications accredited to the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), the size of the course is measured in Guided Learning Hours (GLH). This is the number of hours teaching time required to deliver the course.
For qualifications accredited to the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), the size of the course is measured in credits, where each credit represents 10 hours of notional learning time.
Find out more about qualification frameworks and levels
You can find out how many credits or GLHs make up your qualification by checking the course specification or searching the Ofqual register of accredited qualifications.
- GCSEs are accredited to the NQF at Level 1/Level 2 and require 120 GLH
- A levels are accredited the NQF at Level 3 and requires 360 GLH
All you need to know to deliver BTEC
Comparing BTEC to other qualifications
Understanding our qualifications
- Our qualifications explained
- Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)
- Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
- European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
- Where can I take Pearson qualification exams? (Private candidates only)
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